A feast of community experience


Tue 9 Oct - Sun 14 Oct 2018


Space is available on this event! :-D


We’ll have at least one recreational group outing for our playful selves. And towards the end of the week we co-operate to plan and prepare a feast together. Other activities may happen because of your enthusiasm or request. A singing workshop? A led walk? A games evening? There are so many possibilities.

The essence of the Othona experience of community, all in a few days. With activity and rest, spirituality and fun, shared ideas and shared tasks. Led by warden Tony Jaques and members of the resident core community. This is open to everybody, but also is an ideal introduction to Othona if you are interested in applying to live and work with us. Bargain event: 6 days for the price of 3!

(See also 25 June-1 July and 8-14 Dec)



Fee Type

(Learn about our Bursary + Pricing Policy)

Adult £150
Adult with Single Supplement £180
Deposit £ 30


Arrival + Departure Times

(Learn about Arrival + Departure)

Arrive between 4.00 - 6.30 pm
Depart after 2.30 pm
09 Oct 2018 18:30 to 14 Oct 2018 14:30