A Place to be Real Together

Pricing Policy

Othona is a not-for-profit charity and is known as very affordable. Is there an event you want to attend, but it’s too expensive for you? Then please read the Bursary Funds section below.

Our adult rates reflect the real cost of your stay. They include accommodation, three home cooked meals a day and other refreshments, use of all our facilities, and all the input from speakers and facilitators. We think that’s brilliant value.

Changes to Pricing Policy

We live in an unequal society, even more so since Covid. Many are really struggling, while others have actually saved money. The last three years have also left Othona’s finances much more precarious than before.

With all this in mind, a few years ago we decided to restructure our charges for adults. We now have three rates: Standard, Basic and Benefactor.

The Standard rate is set so that we can roughly carry on doing what we do now.

If everybody paid Basic, the reality is that we'd have to reduce staffing and cut back activities.

And the more people who choose Benefactor, the more we can afford Basic rates and Bursaries, and grow all the good things Othona offers.

Please, choose freely the rate that suits your situation. You don't get better or worse treatment or facilities depending on your choice, by the way! 

Bursaries: if your finances mean even the Basic rate is beyond you, we keep some funds to help out. Just contact us for a confidential discussion to see if we can offer a bursary. This can be a significant reduction but will not be 100%  (See paragraphs below for more details.)

Our April to September 2023 event pricing is based on the following 24-hour rates for full board (discounted where you stay 4 nights or more):

Standard   £ 85 (October 2023 to March 2024)      £ 89 (from April 2024)
Basic   £ 70                                                      £ 73
Benefactor   £100                                                    £105


Some events will cost more where we pay a facilitator, provide materials etc. Others have bargain rates in recognition of volunteer work.

We have two rates for children, ages 3 to 10 and 11 to 18. 

And, for families with two or more children aged 3 or above, we have a "youngest child comes free" policy. Infants under 3 are always free of charge. 


Othona has always welcomed people who can’t afford our general charges. It’s one of our principles as an inclusive Christian charity. That’s why we offer generous bursaries.

So if you need financial support to visit us please don’t be embarrassed about asking! We handle all bursary requests confidentially. And (unlike many organisations) you don’t need to prove anything to us. You don’t have to be receiving state benefits, for instance.

All you need do is indicate (online or when you phone/write to our Bookings team) that you’d like bursary assistance. Usually this will mean a reduction of up to 25%. If you are booking for more than one person, tick the 'Bursary request' box for each person you are requesting a bursary for. If your situation means you need more help than that, please tell us.

Infants from 0-2 years old stay free of charge.

The charge rates for each event are listed below the event description. Our Programme page has the full list of events.

If you arrive late or leave early we usually charge for the full duration of the event – unless explicitly agreed otherwise in advance.


We welcome payment in full at the time of booking – it cuts down the paperwork all round. If you pay only a deposit when booking (£30 per person), the balance will be due one month before the event starts. If you book less than a month before the event, you must pay in full straight away.

We prefer if you can make your payment by bank transfer or Paypal. Our bank details are included with the invoice.

However we also accept payments by cash, cheque and postal order.

Please make cheques payable to: The Othona Community. Reference: date of your proposed arrival at Othona

See our How to Book and How to Pay pages for details.

If you have any questions, do contact us at bookings@othona-bb.org.uk or 01308 897 130.

If you have to cancel we will refund a varying proportion of your payment.

More than 1 month ahead of the event start date: all but the deposit

Less than 1 month, more than 1 week ahead: 50%

Less than 1 week ahead: 10%

On or after the start date: nil

N.B. the cancellation date is not when you decide, but the day when we hear about it!


When you sign the booking form you will be agreeing to our Terms and Conditions which repeat the cancellation details above.
They also include health and safety considerations, so that we can go on welcoming you and other visitors to this lovely natural environment. Please actually read our T+C. They are simple and clear. (Unlike most!?!)

Nobody wants cancellations, but they do happen. We don't like to see you heavily out of pocket either. So we suggest you consider taking out insurance (unless you already have cover, e.g. an annual holiday package). This could guard against you losing money if you have to cancel.
The Holidayplan scheme from Travellers Protection Services Ltd. could be suitable. It is not available online but you can phone 0845 218 7162 for details, or request a leaflet from us on your booking form.
If you do choose to insure, be careful you understand your provider's exclusions, especially for pre-existing medical conditions.If you have to cancel we will refund a varying proportion of your payment.