Safeguarding Policy (abbreviated version) - click here to read or download a pdf.
(Revised by Othona Community 2020)
Health & Safety Policy - click here to read or download a pdf.
(Revised by Othona Community 2020)
Privacy Policy - click here to read or download a pdf.
Data Protection Policy - click here to read or download a pdf.
(Revised by Othona Community 2018)
The Othona Community and Accessibility
Many Internet users find some websites difficult or even impossible to use because of the way they have been designed. For example, if the text is too small it can be difficult to read, or it might load too slowly. And people who use assistive technology, such as screen magnifiers and screen readers, can only see a website if it is compatible with the aids they are using.
The Othona Community works hard at being inclusive in everything it does, and that includes its web presence. We have aimed to make our website usable for everybody and we hope you like the new design. If there is anything that is preventing you from accessing these pages we would like to know about it. Use the contact details on the Contact Us page.
The Othona Community Communications Policy
- The Othona Community aims for all its communications to be expressed in clear language, honest, respectful, reasonably accessible for those with visual, hearing or other impairment, and in keeping with the mission statement of the charity. It also aims to make its organisational procedures as transparent as possible, while also being consistent with effective administration, appropriate confidentiality and legal compliance. Othona seeks to comply with the Equality Act 2010 and the Data Protection Act 2018. This policy, its regular review, and any matters relating to legal compliance are the responsibility of the Othona Trustees.
- The principal means of communication at a whole-community level are:
• the members and friends email list
• the members and friends address list (e.g. for special mailings)
• General Meetings annually and from time to time
Responsibility for all these rests with the trustees, and management is by them or by others to whom they delegate. They may designate one of their number as 'Communications Trustee' who will have a particular brief for these matters and their regular review, and will be a first point of contact for members on questions of communications policy. - The principal means of communication at a centre-specific level are:
• the centres' programme brochures
• the centres' members and friends email list (both postal and email)
• the centres' email newsletters
• the Othona Essex and Othona West Dorset websites
Responsibility for these rests with the relevant warden (subject to his/her accountability to the trustees), and management is by them or by others to whom they delegate. - The websites mentioned above are currently the only official Othona sites. They need good access from one to another, so that enquirers can easily 'click through'. Published addresses for contacting Othona will normally reflect these domain names and email communications with any official status will originate from them. Recipients should always be given clear information on how to delete, change or add to their contact details on Othona distribution lists.
- In an age of burgeoning electronic communications the community recognises that phenomena may arise which impact on Othona and on its public reputation, but which are not in its control (e.g. Othona groups on social networking sites). The trustees view this as an opportunity as well as a danger. They commend to all Othona members and supporters - who may find themselves acting as the community's eyes, ears and voice on the internet - the communication ethics outlined in paragraph 1 above.
(Revised by Othona West Dorset 2020)
Photography Policy
We include lots of photos on our website (and in our brochures) to give a picture of our events, and of the landscape of Dorset. Most of the photos are taken during events by Othona residents and visitors. If you do not wish (or you do not wish your child) to appear in photographs, just let us know when you arrive. Also, we do usually make an announcement during the notices asking visitors to tell us if they would like to remain out of any photographs. If a fellow visitor is taking photos, please feel free to tell them you don't wish to be included in photographs.
Othona West Dorset Website Feedback
If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions about the website please email Us.
This site was designed and built by Othona West Dorset, Circle Interactive and Ammonite Design. Thank you!