No cost! No catch! Raise donations whenever you shop online
Othona Community, West Dorset has registered with EasyFundraising!
We would really appreciate if you would consider joining EasyFundraising and help Othona raise funds - without any cost to yourself or Othona!
This is a completely free and simple way to raise money towards big projects such as the Four Seasons Studio. The donation comes from the retailer and is sent automatically to Othona.
All sorts of big retailers are involved: John Lewis, Ebay, Sainsburys, M&S, Trainline, Expedia, ScrewFix, GoCompare, uSwitch, Amazon*... and many many more.
Here's how to get started:
- Visit our EasyFundraising page.
- Sign up for free.
- Activate the 'Donation Reminder' for your browser.
Next time you are shopping or searching online you can either:
- go straight to EasyFundraising and find the retailers you wish to use OR
- search (using Google for ex) and the Donation Reminder will show which retailers make a donation - if you decide to buy from them. (No pressure!)
When you are on the EasyFundraising site, you will see a link to the 'Donation Reminder'. Just click and follow the steps.
EasyFundraising App: There is also an app for your phone or tablet! Just visit EasyFundraising App to download. :-D
*(To raise funds shopping with Amazon there is an extra step to signing up. Here is the info if you are curious.... )
Small Print...
- If you activate EasyFundraising when you are shopping or searching but do NOT buy anything, don't worry! Nothing happens.
- There is NO difference in price when you shop using EasyFundraising.
- You will get a regular email from EasyFundraising letting you know how much you have raised.
- You can turn off the 'Donations Reminder' at anytime.
- You can cancel your registration (or change the cause you support) anytime.
EasyFundraising was set up by Ian Woodroffe, a former telecoms account manager, who, while recovering from cancer, wanted to use the boom in internet shopping to help cash strapped charities generate much needed funds. Over £27 million pounds has been raised to date for good causes.
If you have any questions about setting up or using EasyFundraising, email us ( or ring us (01308 897 130).