A Place to be Real Together
Visitors, vollies, core, committee, facilitators (and some roles that are hard to define!) make up our community at Othona West Dorset.
And over time, it's not unusual for people to go from visitor to vollie, from facilitator to visitor, from core to committee, from vollie to core...and more!
As we say at the start of our events, those who have gathered, for the time we are together, ARE the Othona West Dorset community. We will share the joys and challenges of creating community.
We hope that our website gives you a flavour of what you might experience by visiting Othona - and an introduction to people you are likely to meet!
Below are a few links which you might find helpful...
Our Team
Our team is a made up of people who give of themselves in a wide variety of ways in terms of skills, of roles, of time, and even of location! You can learn a bit about them on Our Team page.
Photos and Videos
As the saying goes, a picture can paint a thousand words. We love to capture Othona's events and activities (and the spirit of these) as much as possible. Visit our See & Hear page to...get a picture of us! :-D
Do visit our Blog on this site. It's a new adventure for us. It's quite small right now but we look forward to our team being able to share thoughts, ideas and experiences about things that we feel are important, interesting...or just plain fun! :-D
Social Media
Othona West Dorset has a page and a public group on Facebook.
The page is where OWD (Othona West Dorset) can keep people up to date with events and activities here.
The group is where anyone who would like to can share thoughts, photos or videos and keep in touch with OWD's community - especially when you aren't physically with us.
Visit the group to meet some of our community. You are very welcome to join and share too!
We can also find us on Twitter, YouTube - and we've just joined Instagram!
If you would like to hear about new events, activities and happenings - sign up for our Newsletter.
We only send one every two or three months at the most and you can unsubscribe at any time.
2021 Events Brochure
Due to Covid-19, we did not print a brochure. However a pdf of events scheduled for 2021 will be available to download - when printed. To keep up to date, sign up for our Newsletter.