A Place to be Real Together

>> New Thought 2020 Apr


Merry Shaver writes:


In her Poem "The Summer Day" Mary Oliver, an American poet, asks "Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?"


It's never too late to move in the direction of your dreams.  Is there an empty spot in your life longing to be fulfilled?  No matter where you are in your life, this present moment is your point of power, it is the only moment you can change. 


You are invited to take the ride of your life using practical spirituality as the vehicle to discover, affirm and follow your inner calling


You will be offered tools to support you on your journey through the maze that is modern life. Discover the body, mind and spirit connection through deep listening, visioning, and affirmation in a fun, supportive atmosphere.


Just as cathedrals are often built on the foundations of previous sacred sites, you will build on the ancient truth within your own heart.  As you change your thinking your life will change. Are you open to thinking a new thought?`


Whether you need a gentle nudge or a push to get started we'll be there with you!


Merry Shaver, has been a student of New Thought since 1982 and is well grounded in metaphysical principles and practices. A bit of a retreat and workshop "junkie" she is called to share something of what she has learned over the years.  


Merry received a Masters Degree in Consciousness Studies from the Holmes Institute, Golden Colorado in 2009 and was ordained as a Religious Science minister in 2012. She currently is on sabbatical from her position as the assistant minister at the Austin Center for Spiritual Living, in Austin, Texas.  Her purpose in life is to "create a safe place where we can grow in Love and Joy." She is a master in leading prayer, meditation and the visioning process. Her subtle sense of humor always shines through, bringing merriment to the moment.


Erica Brown comes from Bournemouth, Dorset and has a lifelong involvement with complementary therapies including counselling, hypnosis, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, (NLP) and Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT).

She co-facilitates the Highcliffe Positive Living Group near Bournemouth and delivers Mindfulness sessions in local hospitals among many activities in the area. Her unique heart-based approach fosters reconnection to a deeper life-purpose and dreams with positive outcomes.