A Place to be Real Together

Families Easter holiday bargain break

Activities for all ages, by the sea and in the spring countryside


Wednesday 10th - Sunday 14th April 2024


Space is available on this event! :-D

Group relaxing after a skittles game

Relaxation time at a skittles evening!

Four nights away - in community with other families - in the beautiful springtime of the year. A breath of fresh air before school starts again.

With enough people to bring diversity and new friends, but not so many that anyone feels lost in a crowd. Othona's values of acceptance, co-operation and involvement create the ideal space for children and young people of all ages, with their parents, to experience a remarkable sense of community.

Look forward to fun and exercise, good food and good company. 

And to make it all easier, the eldest child in each family of two or more children (aged 3 or over) comes free of charge! What’s not to like?

READ MORE>> about Othona for families

Fee Types

You are genuinely welcome to choose whichever rate suits you

(Learn more about our Pricing Policy & Bursaries)

Standard £346  aims to cover our real costs
Basic £283  if all pay Basic, Othona has to cut staff & activities
Benefactor £409  helps us afford Basic Rate and Bursaries
Child 11-18 £168
Child 3-10 £110
Child 0-2 Free
Deposit £  30


Arrival + Departure Times

(Learn about Arrival+Departure)

Arrive between 4.00 - 6.30 pm
Depart after 10.30 am


10 Apr 2024 18:00 to 14 Apr 2024 10:30
Othona Community, West Dorset
Coast Road
Burton Bradstock
Landline: 01308 897130