A Place to be Real Together


by Elizabeth Sayers
Friday 24th April 2020

Thank you for all your messages of support for the Community. We love hearing from you and sharing your experience. 

We are all looking forward to the time when the centres can be reopened and we can once again enjoy a warm, welcoming community at both centres. Until that happens these are just some of the actions that the Trustees are taking to make sure that our staff at the centres stay safe and well and that Othona comes through this time in as good a position as possible. 

Othona Finances

As you know, following government guidelines, the centres have cancelled their programmes and closed to visitors until restrictions are lifted. Like all small businesses, having no income for an unknown length of time puts considerable pressure on our... Read More

by Tony Jaques
Friday 20th March 2020

With regret we have cancelled all our planned events up to and including the Annual Quiet Day on 7th May.

We'll review this decision early in April and decide what further cancellations may be necessary. Dorset Art Weeks (in which Othona participates) has also been cancelled, affecting our programme from 23 May to 7 June.

During the time of closure we are doing all we can to sustain a sense of community among our many friends near and far. We will be keeping in touch via our e-newsletters. So if you don't already receive it but would like to, you can sign up here for our newsletter!

Thank you to... Read More

by Tony Jaques
Thursday 12th March 2020

Are you coming to stay with us? Or considering a booking? You may want to know how we’re responding to the outbreak of Covid-19. We aim to take all reasonable measures to keep everyone at Othona safe and healthy.

Measures against infection

  • We recently changed all towels in toilets and shower rooms, as in our kitchen, from cotton to single-use recycled paper towels
  • We have increased our regular sanitising of e.g. door handles, switches and handrails
  • We are displaying simple reminder information about e.g. handwashing
  • We have plentiful supplies of soap, tissues etc.
  • You are welcome to bring any protective items you wish to use

If someone becomes unwell

by Robin Shaw
Thursday 5th March 2020

Four Seasons Studio, our new multi-purpose building that's being built on the site of our beloved but bedraggled Art Building continues to grow right before our very eyes. We are very excited and fascinated having a front row seat to its construction. Hats off (or maybe 'on' given the miserable weather?!) to Dave Fowler's building team. They have carried on working throughout the storms (Respect!) and have begun the internal fitting phase of FSS.

You can see for yourself in this short 40 second video recorded at the beginning of Feb. And/or have a look at our Four Seasons Studio Team page and/or... Read More

by Tony Jaques
Monday 20th January 2020

As you know, Othona isn't just a place but a loose-knit community of people. Those of us who live and work here would be absolutely lost without many others who give their time and effort in all sorts of ways!

One such way is practical volunteering. We're experimenting this year with a new pattern for this kind of help. We've begun scheduling Local Volunteers Days (LVD) for which you can sign up online, using Eventbrite. There will usually be places for just 6 volunteers per LVD.

Does this seem bureacratic? Why not just turn up?... Read More

by Tony Jaques
Wednesday 15th January 2020

We had become very aware over the last few years that the toilet and washing facilities in Community House were in need of a serious overhaul. They were cramped and hard to keep clean, the showers weak and not always hot enough, etc. These facilities dated back to the time our warden, Tony Jaques, first took on the role - 25 years ago this April 2020. Thank you for your patience with them (and Tony? Just kidding ;-D)!

Well...it's happening!!! Working with a local architect and designer, we have planned a toilets and washrooms revolution! The first floor washing area will be totally transformed. The work has now started and we are closed for residential events until end of Feb 2020. Roll Up Your... Read More

by Robin Shaw
Saturday 23rd November 2019

We wish to say a big THANK YOU to Allchurches Trust. In Oct 2019 we received a cheque for £5,250 from the trust to help with equipping Four Seasons Studio. Allchurches Trust is one of the UK's largest grantmaking charities and has a thematic programme 'Growing Lives'. Visit their site for more info (allchurches.co.uk).

Completion target for Four Seasons Studio is before the start of '... Read More

by Robin Shaw
Thursday 3rd October 2019

No cost! No catch! Raise donations whenever you shop online.

We have registered with EasyFundraising!

This is a completely free and simple way to raise money towards big projects such as the Four Seasons Studio - without any cost to yourself or Othona! The donation comes from the retailer and is sent automatically to Othona.

All sorts of big retailers are involved: John Lewis, Ebay, Sainsburys, M&S, Trainline, Expedia, ScrewFix, GoCompare, uSwitch, Amazon... and many many more. 

Learn more about joining by visiting our ... Read More

by Robin Shaw
Wednesday 31st July 2019

We wish to say a big THANK YOU to The Inlight Trust. In July 2019 we received a cheque for £25,000 from the trust to support the Four Seasons Studio project. This financial support meant that we could give the green light and start building! Learn more about this wonderful new space on the Four Seasons Studio page.

The Inlight Trust first funded an Othona West Dorset project in 2008. Having the support and encouragement of this respected trust means a lot to us. Thank you!... Read More

by Robin Shaw
Wednesday 8th May 2019

10% Summer Discount if it’s your first time at Othona

Othona West Dorset – the best seaside retreat on the south coast?

Creativity, community, spirituality… and fun!

10% off for newcomers applies to all residential bookings from 24 May to 30 August 2019

Here are a few you might like!

Bags of Creativity Sewing as a creative meditative gift (May 24-26)

Thomas Hardy Confidential  Secret loves of his life? Exploring... Read More